Peace, Irenaeus, Aristophanes
Aristophanes writes Peace towards the end of the Peloponnesian War, in an Athens bloodless and ruined by the fratricidal fights against Sparta and its allies, and the political troubles which undermine the sovereignty of democracy. Indignant by the demagogic proclamations of all warmongers who persist, in contempt of the people, in the destruction of the illustrious city, the pacifist and pragmatic Aristophanes writes a tale for his fellow citizens: Trygée, a peasant, climbs to Heaven to release Peace imprisoned by the gods of Olympus and bring it back down to earth to the delight of all Athenians.
By updating the play in a staging staged with the 28 high school students, the theater workshop dreamed of a collective celebration of all the young people who claim the right to live together in peace.
Ismini Vlavianou
Theatrical adaptation Ismini Vlavianou
Teachers Ismini Vlavianou, Anne Mériaux
Artistic speakers Samir Siad, Valérie Aubert
Recording Grégory Métay
Approximate duration 1 hour
With the support of the Louise Michel de Bobigny high school and the MC93, Canal 93, Les Rencontres chorégraphiques.
The artistic workshop is subsidized by the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs of Ile-de-France and the Academic Delegation for Cultural Action – Rectorate of Créteil, the Town Hall of Bobigny, the Sciences Po Foundation and the Ile-de-France Region. France.
With the students of the Theater Workshop
Trygée, winegrower from Attica Ismail Abdelfettah, Clement Batard, Mehdi Es Sakhy
His servants Houssame El Katch, Fidel Nwosu, Stella Zaidi, Alexis Persevalle
His granddaughters Nawel Benyahia, Naïssée Yansane
Hermes Bouchra Chaanouni, Amina Khiter
The war Paula Cordas
Brawl, Handmaiden of War Melanie Eyamo
The peace Fatima El Maghloub
Festivity Naïssée Yansane
Summer Treasure Sabrina Ziane
Sacripan, oracle-teller Iliesse Bentahar
A maker of scythes Benjamin Fardoux
A Gunsmith Marvin Ekeke Ekeke
A little boy, son of Vatenguerre Florence Pitard
Another little boy, son of Cleonyme Vincent Azouani
The Herald Firas Loukil, Inès Zoubir
The choir Maeva Abanda, Ismail Abdelfettah, Vincent Azouani, Clement Batard, I jubilation Bentahar, Nawel Benyahia, Bouchra Chaanouni, Paula Cordas, Marvin Ekeke Ekeke, Houssame El Katch, Fatima El Maghloub,
Mehdi Es Sakhy, Melanie Eyamo, Benjamin Fardoux, Amina Khiter, Sophia Kouba, Frida Lingole, Firas Loukil, Fidel Nwosu, Alexis Persevalle, Florence Pitard, Nathanael Pitard, Amel Saidi, Khadjidia Sakho, Naïssée Yansane, Stella Zaïdi, Sabrina Ziane, Inès Zoubir